Etiqueta: Listening
Listening 5th week
Listen and practice!
Complete the sentences:
Alfred Nobel was a _________ and an ____________ from Sweden.
Julius Caesar was a _____________ of the Roman Empire.
Listening 4rd week
Listen and enjoy it!
1- A dictation:
2- What does the experiment consist of?
3- The English-speaking world:
Do people in Ameria and Britain speak the same English?...
The Olympic Games
Read the text and answer the questions:
What are the Olympic Games?
The Olympic Games are famous sports competitions. Countries compete in the Summer and Winter...
Listenings 3rd week
Listen and enjoy it!!
A dictation:
What language do Tina and Jake study?
Non-verbal language:
What is non-verbal language?
Is it important?
What is the percentage of...
Listenings 2nd week
Enjoy it and practice!!
A dictation:
At the supermarket:
What is Tom doing? What is Tom buying? Is he having a good time?
Where is Liverpool?