Here you have some exercises to pronounce correctly ‘Past simple tense’ in regular verbs.
Listen to the past simple verbs:
/d/ lived
/t/ liked
/Id/ started
Listen to the verbs and pay attention to the -ed sound. Complete the table.
- asked
- changed
- checked /d/:
- discovered
- invaded
- invented /t/:
- practiced
- preferred
- stayed /Id/:
- visited
- wanted
- watched
Listen and repeat the sentences:
- We stayed in Morocco last month.
- She asked her teacher a question.
- They visited New York last year.
Write the verbs in past simple and organise them according to the endind:
Work Miss Want Enjoy Paint Stay
Rob Like Rain Stop Need Start
Watch Wash Help Jump Change Live
Call Phone Cook Invite Offer Land
/t/ /d/ /Id/